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Expedited Transport Services

New Haven Trucking Company, Hot Shot Trucking and Industrial Warehousing

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Expedited Transport Services Service Areas

Carrier Services

Make sure all of your freight arrives according to schedule with the reliable shipping services from Expedited Transport Services. Our hardworking team of logistics experts will do everything it takes to get your materials to their destination safely.

Dry Van Trucking

If you are looking to hire a standard semi-truck to move goods from one location to the next, dry van trucking is what you need. Dry van trucking is a trucking service that is completely contained and keeps cargo safe from the elements.

Expedited Trucking

Expedited Transport Services is the premier provider of expedited trucking services in the area. We operate at the highest level of efficiency to make sure your goods arrive quickly and on time. Our large network of drivers and trucks means we can help you meet your deadlines, no matter how tight they may be.

Freight Broker

When it comes to shipping cargo, you don’t want to hire any old trucking company and hope for the best—and now you don’t have to. The freight broker services offered by Expedited Transport Services are designed to help manufacturers and distributors find the best routes and the most reliable shipping services.

Freight Shipping

Expedited Transport Services is proud to have become one of the most trusted freight shipping companies in the surrounding area. With an unwavering commitment to customer care and satisfaction, we’ve managed to build a glowing reputation we strive to uphold day in and day out.

Freight Transportation

Expedited Transport Services is very proud to offer freight transportation services. Our services are built with customer satisfaction at the top of mind. We always prioritize the unique needs of every client and ensure that their goods are transported to their final destination, on time, and in perfect condition.

Hotshot Trucking Services

When you need local shipping today, hotshot trucking is what you seek. Expedited Transport Services is the name to know and the team to call. For years, we have provided unique clients with fast and reliable local delivery services when and where they need them.

Local Trucking Company

When you’re looking for trucking services in the local area, Expedited Transport Services has you covered. Our fleet of trucks carries goods across town and beyond, and we are more than happy to accommodate the unique needs of every client.

Logistics Services

There are a lot of moving parts that go into achieving successful shipping. Planning these moving pieces can help avoid delays and reduce costs, and if you need professional assistance, Expedited Transport Services is happy to be of service.

Ltl Trucking

If you need a small load delivered, you don’t want to hire an entire truck. It is both inconvenient and expensive. But what if you could send small cargo to its destination alongside other goods without breaking the bank? With LTL trucking, you can.


With an unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction and quality care, Expedited Transport Services is proud to have become one of the most renowned trucking companies in West Hartford. We understand that all of our clients have unique expectations, and we always go above and beyond to meet your needs.

Trucking Company

Expedited Transport Services is proud to have become one of the most trusted and sought-after trucking companies. Our excellent reputation is built on an unwavering commitment to customer care, competitive rates, and the prompt, hiccup-free delivery of your goods.

Trucking Services

Over the years, our experts have built a glowing reputation, and today, we are proud to be known as the best trucking company. With a dedication to customer care and satisfaction, we’re confident that you will be more than satisfied with what we have to offer.

Warehousing Services

Expedited Transport Services is your premier choice for warehousing services. Our team of experts can provide you with the best warehousing solutions, no matter what goods you’re looking to store. Our company offers competitive rates, exceptional service, and customized plans to fit the needs of our customers.

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